Sunday, April 19, 2009

Inner Beauty

People focus too much on outer beauty.  If somebody is tall, thin, muscular or whether a woman has large breasts, clear skin and perfect teeth.

But I say all of these things pale in comparison to inner beauty.  And inner beauty can be improved.  Think positive thoughts.  I know this can be difficult sometimes with the media bombarding you with negative thoughts and images.  Take a break from it and try to improve yourself.

Just as outer beauty can be improved.  Inner beauty can be improved.  Everyone has bad days.  You must forgive yourself for these bad days and move on to good days. 

Take care of yourself

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Sympathy and Empathy

There is not enough sympathy in this world.  People are too busy to care about other people.  People need to learn sympathy, but how?  There is only one way: empathy. 

Let's discuss the difference between sympathy and empathy.  Sympathy is when you reach out to people who are downtrodden.  Empathy is when you feel what somebody else is feeling.  So in order to reach out to the downtrodden, you must first feel what they are feeling.

Take a second to actually feel badly for those who are treated as outcasts by society.  Really feel that.  That is empathy.  You are on your way to becoming a more sympathetic person if you actually stopped and thought to yourself at this point.

The world needs more people like you.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


It's hard to have good self-control.  So if you mess up, don't admonish yourself without end.  Take some time to think about what it is that you did, how it didn't meet up to your standards of behavior and try to correct it next time.  Once you have resolved to change, try not to think about it anymore.  Trying not to think is a difficult thing to do, but it can be achieved with a little practice.

Sometimes there are things about yourself that you DON'T want to change but that other people want you to change about yourself.  Don't worry about static.  Be yourself.  You don't have to change for these people.  What did they ever do for you?  Did they change for you?  Probably not.  So why should you change for them?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Why are people so harsh toward the Latino community?

Latinos and Latinas are a vital part of America.  Remember that America is bigger than the United States.  It encompases 2 whole hemispheres.  A lot of Latinos and Latinas come to the United States looking for a better life.  They end up taking low wage jobs and working their way up, just like everyone else.  

But there is no reason to look down on the Latino/Latina community for this fact.  There are poor people throughout the world and they should be treated with dignity and respect.  

God bless them, keep them and hold them close to her heart.

The Latino/Latina community is very diverse, ranging from Cubans and Puerto Ricans to Columbians and Brazilians and much much more.  There are dark skinned Latinos/Latinas and light skinned Latinos/Latinas and everything imaginable in between.

In some ways, the Latino/Latina community is more accepting, kind hearted and diverse than the white community.  I envy the Latino/Latina community in this respect.

Let us not forget that some Latinos and Latinas are quite wealthy and add to the economy of our nation quite a bit.  Poorer Latinos and Latinas are hard working and also add to the diversity and economy of our nation.

Reach out to the Latino/Latina community.  Support their stores, restaurants and other businesses.  God bless.

Women: The lifeblood of the world

Women are an important resource all around the world.  Often they are slighted, pushed off, cast out, but they should not be.  Women are nurturing, caring members of society and should be celebrated.  But they are not always treated this way.

Too often they are treated as less than a man.  They are not.  Women are as good and capable as any man.  They can do anything they put their minds to.  Not only with the family, but in business as well.

I love women, not just in a sexual way but as sisters as well.  Women of all races as sisters and occasionally as lovers.  Of course, I'm not married yet and I have no children, but when I can better support a woman and a child, I will, I'm sure.

What makes women so great is their ability to care.  Women care about things.  Men sometimes do not.  Women can be great role models as well and they should be held up as such.

In short, respect women.

Is there a 6th sense?

I think that there might be.  How do I prove it?  I can't but some people are more adept at reading people's emotions than other people.  Some people call this emotional intelligence.  But how can we become more emotionally intelligent.

Well, take for instance, crossing arms.  It puts the body in a defensive position, so if you cross your arms a lot people's 6th sense is going to detect that you have something to hide or that you don't like their company.

Facial expressions have a lot to do with it.  Smile, even if you don't have perfect teeth, a smile can put somebody at ease.

Hand gestures can also feed into people's 6th sense about you.  Big hand gestures can accent a conversation well.  I'm part italian, so my family uses hand gestures all the time.  I have even heard it said that babies that use hand gestures to get what they want grow to be more intelligent than children who do not use hand gestures.

Food for thought.

Why can't Capitalism and Communism get along?

Capitalism and Communism have had war after war after war in the past century.  Now I'm not here to tell you that they are evil.  That's not my place to pass judgement.  I'm simply going to analyze the conflict.

Capitalism wants the world to be controlled by money.  Not a bad idea, if you already have a lot of money, but the Communists DON'T have a lot of money.  Communism on the other hand wants to control a one world government and is very resentful of Capitalism.  Communism wants to force Capitalism's hand to show that it is truly in control.

Communism claims to have the consent of the people, but there are no elections.  Elections can be corrupt but they are the best tool we have to judge the consent of the people.  Russia became democratic to prove the consent of the governed and that was a wise decision.  Russia is a better place for it.

The key to defusing the conflict between Capitalism and Communism is trade.  The trade sanctions that the US has on Communist countries should be lifted as soon as possible.  And why?  To defuse war.

War is a categorical evil in this world.  While both Capitalism and Communism think that war is good for the economy, IT IS NOT GOOD FOR THE ECONOMY!  Look at what the Bush years did for the economy.  He left Obama with a big old mess to clean up.

In short,  Capitalism is not all good, but Communism is not all good either.  At least in Capitalism you are allowed to believe in God.  They don't take away people's bible like the Soviets did to the Polish after WW2.  So I suppose I side with Capitalism, but NEVER to support war.

Is there a place for God in your life?

Some people think of God a some guy in the sky with a big pizza pie for you when you get to heaven, if it exists.  The story of God is a story of faith.  But how do you learn to trust in a higher power?  How can you KNOW when knowing is impossible.  You have to take a leap of faith.  But how do you do this.

It's not simple.  It could take your entire life to reach the point where you have adament faith in God.  And that's OK.  Take your time.  Try and read the bible, koran, vedas, etc. to inform your faith.  In the bible I recommend reading Proverbs.  It's a good place to start and its easy to believe in Proverbs.

Preachers preach too much about Revelation.  Stay away from Revelation.  I'm not saying its all bull, but it makes believing a lot harder.  Read Proverbs.   It will help you become a deeper thinker.

Check my profile... There's more blogs where this came from


How to break down hate in yourself.

Everyone has experienced hate on some level in their life.  People hate things.  It's sad but they do.  But you don't want to let your internal kindness fail.  So how do you stop this?

By letting go of hate.  You need to let it go.  Let it slip off you like water in the shower.  It's alright to feel negative emotion, but don't let it own you.  There is more to you than hate.  Show it.

Also, try to think of things from somebody elses perspective.  Think about how things are on the other side of your negative emotions.  You could be making life hell for somebody else.  Stop it.  There is more to waking life than making other people feel badly about themselves.

Love is the answer.

The capacity to love is dwindled as we get older.  When we are young, it is easy to love.  But as we face disappointment after disappointment in life, we become more prone to hate than to love.  

We must break down the barriers of hate and teach ourselves to love again.  But how do we do this?  How do we break down hate?

Stand up for the downtrodden.  

Volunteer locally.  

Work with the elderly and with children.  

Get into peace activism or for whatever cause you feel like supporting.

Sing a song.

Buy a gift for someone who cares about you to thank them.

Call your parents.

Love is the answer, if people just reach out to each other before judging one another, the world would be a lot better place.  There is too much admonishment and derision in the media.  Turn off your TV for a little while and just let yourself think.

Relax a little.  Try to feel what love feels like.  It feels good and you can feel like this all the time if you just let yourself.  The longer you try the better it feels.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Perservering despite adversity

Keep your head up.  Don't let people beat you down.  You can do wonderful things with your life, if you just try.  I believe in the power of 1.  One person can do a lot of good in this world.  You are one person, go and do good things with yourself.  All you have to do is have a little belief that despite what people think of you, despite what you may think of yourself, things can get better.   They will get better. 

God bless you, keep you and hold you close to her heart.

Emancipate yourself from the media once in a while

People are addicted to the media.  They believe anything it tells them.  I guess maybe we just have a lot of people that can't read or something, but someone needs to teach them. There's a good idea.  Start up some reading classes and teach adults to read.  That would help society.  You might meet a good, generous, kind-hearted person who just doesn't know how to read.

Take a walk, enjoy the company of the people around you, cook something, get back to nature.  It's fun and it gives you a reason to enjoy the media more when you get back to it.

Can medicine be taken too far?

I think it can.  Doctors do research on people without their knowledge about drug interactions.  Its harder to sue about drug interactions than it is to sue about individual drugs being used on a patient.  Patients should not be on more than one or 2 drugs.

Drug Reps teach doctors to give people a lot of drugs so that they can't be sued for liability for the death or early death of a patient.  It's wrong and the doctor's the one who gets sued for it.  Malpractice and whatnot.  Only they bounce you around from doctor to doctor so you don't know which one to sue for malpractice.  It's a scam.

It is a cowardly practice and needs to be put to an end.

People are ill-tempered because they are ill-treated.

Be nice to people.  It's the only way to get ahead.  If someone is ill-tempered toward you, it doesn't mean that you have to be ill-tempered back.  Keep it inside.  We could all use a little more pent up rage and a little less external rage at the world.  Learn to keep it inside if someone is rude to you.

People fight too much.  People are always trying to draw dividing lines.  Be united.  Don't let everyone push you around.  Leave the situation.  Do something productive to prove that they're not right about you.  But don't fight with them.  That's probably what they want.

And you treating them with ill-will back only leads to them being more ill-tempered toward you.

Lifting the Embargo on Cuba is the right thing to do.

Obama is right to lift the trade sanctions on Cuba.  Fidel has had enough.  His people have suffered enough at the hands of the United States because he used the word communism.  Fidel is not a communist.  He said it once and the media nailed him to the wall and won't let him correct it.  Kennedy, God bless him, went NUTS over Cuba and Cuba went NUTS while John Kennedy was in office.

They both went nuts.  So let's forgive and forget.  We need to have more exports to Cuba and import more cane sugar, cigars and the like.  We want the Cubans to be sucessful, don't we?

Why would we NOT want them to be sucessful?  Our tiff was a long time ago.  It's time to let bygones be bygones.

How to beat inertia

Have a cup of coffee.  This always works for me, not to preach caffiene dependance but it is a relatively healthy way to get yourself cranked up to get things done.

Another way is to exercise.  Do a couple of pushups or situps and see how you feel.  It's good to be fit too.

Turn on some music.  This always works for me too, especially when I'm working around the house.  It's a lot of fun.  USE YOUR RADIO!

How to be more romantic.

Romance is about doing things together, not having sex all the time.  There are lots of fun things to do with a potenial mate.  

Take her bowling,

play darts,

play pool,

go swimming,

read her poetry,

go to a museum,

hug her,

kiss her fingers,

play guitar for her,

sing songs together,

go horseback riding,

go hiking,

go camping,

watch a romantic movie together and talk about it afterward over a glass of wine,

go to a park,

write love notes,

tell her jokes, 

go mountainclimbing,

go to a club and dance together,


Insufficiancy and how to cope

We all know that we are going through an economic crisis because of the policies of the Bush Administration and we are all going to have to deal with insufficiency on some level or other.  Whether its that you can't use your credit cards or that you don't have enough cash, insufficiency is NOT here to stay.  It is a transient state.  It won't last forever.  You have to believe.  Believe with me.  Take a second to believe that your troubles won't be around forever.  Doesn't that feel better?

Self-Criticism: How much and how often.

Self Criticism is important to a point, but some people become self-loathing individuals.  This is a problematic series of events because to improve yourself, you must first identify the things that you want to change.  Take some time to think about the things that you don't like about yourself and resolve to change them.  If not today, when?  If not soon, then ever?

Now that you've taken the time to do that, give yourself a break.  Don't berate yourself.  There is too much berating in society, it breaks down the self-worth of people.  Don't let people stomp on your sense of self-worth.  You are a worthwhile individual.  Believe that about yourself.  Give it some time to sink in.

Don't become a self-loather.  They are cruel to everyone.  It happens lots of ways, sometimes it's people's family, sometimes their friends turn on them, sometimes women leave them, sometimes they have a hard time achieving the sucess for themselves that they intend, sometimes the TV endlessly berates their position.  But they become self loathers.  How do I know?

I used to be one myself.

External Criticism and Self-Loathing

Criticism can drive a person up a wall.  You can torture people with criticism.  Now why would you go and do something like that.  It harms people psychologically.  Do you really want to be that kind of person?

I don't think you do.  A lot of people's hostility comes from self-loathing.  How do people get to be self-loathing?  Lots of ways.  Sometimes its family, sometimes friends turn on you, women leave you, the TV berates your position.  People become self-loathing.  It's no good.

Try to think about something about yourself that you like.  Focus on it clearly.  Your life has worth.  You have worth.

It's ok to be self-critical to a point, but don't rip out your hair screaming with self-criticism.